P+F编码器分类编码器分为:1 、P+F增量式编码器 2、 P+F值编码器 3、P+F防爆编码器
General Purpose Incremental Encoder RHI58N-**1 | Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, Up to 5000 ppr, Hollow shaft, 10 V ... 30 V with short-circuit proof push-pull output, Output type: push-pull, incremental |
Incremental Encoder for special applications RHI58N-**1 | Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, Up to 50,000 ppr, Hollow shaft, 10 V ... 30 V with short-circuit proof push-pull output, Output type: push-pull, incremental |
General Purpose Incremental Encoder RHI58N-**6 | Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, Up to 5000 ppr, Hollow shaft, 5 V with RS-422 interface, Output type: RS 422, incremental |
Incremental Encoder for special applications RHI58N-**6 | Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, Up to 50,000 ppr, Hollow shaft, 5 V with RS-422 interface, Output type: RS 422, incremental |
General Purpose Incremental Encoder RHI58N-**X | Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, Up to 5000 ppr, Hollow shaft, 10 V ... 30 V with RS 422 interface, Output type: RS 422, incremental |
Incremental Encoder for special applications RHI58N-**X | Industrial standard housing ∅58 mm, Up to 50,000 ppr, Hollow shaft, 10 V ... 30 V with RS 422 interface, Up to 5000 ppr, Output type: RS 422, incremental |
Incremental rotary encoder RHI90N-**1 | Compact design housing ∅90 mm, Variable hollow shaft from ∅16 mm ... ∅45 mm, Up to 50,000 ppr, Easy shaft clamping, 10 V ... 30 V with short-circuit proof push-pull output, Output type: push-pull, incremental |
Incremental rotary encoder RHI90N-**6 | Compact design housing ∅90 mm, Variable hollow shaft from ∅16 mm ... ∅45 mm, Up to 50,000 ppr, Easy shaft clamping, 5 V with RS-422 interface, Output type: RS 422, incremental |
Incremental rotary encoder RHI90N-**X | Compact design housing ∅90 mm, Variable hollow shaft from ∅16 mm ... ∅45 mm, Up to 50,000 ppr, Easy shaft clamping, 10 V ... 30 V with RS 422 interface, Output type: RS 422, incremental |